Samantha Lewis, PhD

Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development, and Physiology

Department of Molecular and Cell Biology

Samantha C. Lewis, Ph.D. is a molecular and cell biologist and Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Lewis’ research investigates how animal cells ensure the continual energy supply they need to survive, and how this goes awry in human disease. Her laboratory team focuses on mitochondria, the “powerhouse of the cell”, which harbor their own genomic blueprint called mitochondrial DNA. Dr. Lewis’ experimental approach leverages live microscopy at high spatial and temporal resolution, single-cell analyses of DNA replication and transcription, gene editing, proteomics, and genetics to reveal how cells replicate, segregate, and inherit this “neglected genome”.

The Lewis Lab is also affiliated with:

  • Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology, University of California, Berkeley


    Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis

    Advisor: Jodi Nunnari, PhD


    Ph.D. Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics, University of California, Riverside

    Advisor: Bradley Hyman, PhD


    B.S. Zoology, Oregon State University

    Advisor: Dee Denver, PhD


  • 2024 NSF CAREER Award

    2023 Prytanean Faculty Award

    2023 R. R. Bensley Award in Cell and Molecular Biology, American Association for Anatomists

    2023 Sloan Research Fellow

    2022 Pilot & Feasibility Award, Stanford Diabetes Research Center

    2022 Rennie Fund Award for the Study of Epilepsy, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute

    2022 Juneteenth Award in Honor of Black Scholarship, Vanderbilt University Basic Sciences

    2022 Society of Hellman Fellows Fund Award

    2022 Scialog Fellow in Advancing Bioimaging, Research Corporation for Science Advancement (deferred)

    2021 ESI Pilot Award, Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging

    2020 Winkler Award

    2020 CellPress “Rising Star” - 100 Inspiring Black Scientists in America

    2019 Kelsey Wright Award for Excellence, Mitochondrial Medicine Society

    2018 Best Poster Award, Cell Symposia: Multifaceted Mitochondria

    2016-2019 Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Award

    2015 EMBO Travel Award, to “mtDNA and Neurodegeneration” Symposium

    2015-2018 NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellowship

    2013 Graduate Deans’ Dissertation Research Award, University of California, Riverside

    2013 Dissertation Research Award, Society of Nematologists

    2012 Carl Storm Minority Travel Fellowship, Mitochondria Gordon Research Conference

    2012 Southern California Forum on Diversity in Graduate Education Talk

    2011 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Lindau Nobel Foundation (sponsored by Mars, Inc.)

    2011 Weber Graduate Research Award, Cobb Nematology Foundation

    2011 Best Poster Award, Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting

    2011 AGEP Travel Scholarship, to ASBMB Symposium on Mitochondrial Biology

    2010-2013 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

    2010 New England Biolabs Innovation Research Seed Grant

    2008-2010 Cota-Robles Predoctoral Diversity Fellowship, UC Riverside

    2008 Dr. JoAnne Trow Woman of Distinction Award, Oregon State Memorial Union

    2007 Undergraduate Diversity Mentoring Award, Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution

    2004 Rotary Club Scholarship

    2004 American Chemical Society Scholarship

  • 2025 ………………..

    Keystone Mitochondria

    Phusion Mitochondria, Dominican Republic

    Harvard Medical School

    University of Washington, Seattle

    U Colorado Anschutz

    San Jose State U


    2024 ………………..

    UC Santa Cruz

    Phusion Metabolism, Malta

    NIH Redox Biology Group

    CZI Organelle Biology and Metabolism Focus Group

    2023 ………………..

    GRC Mitochondria in Health and Disease

    University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

    Yale School of Medicine

    Anatomy Connected

    Phusion Mitochondria

    NIH Redox Series

    Stanford University

    2022 ………………..

    Columbia University

    Allen Institute for Cell Science

    Vanderbilt University

    GRC Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

    University of Richmond

    University of Southern California

    ASBMB (declined)

    Keystone Mitochondrial Biochemistry (declined)



    NextGen at CZI Biohub

    2021 ………………..

    University of Washington

    University of Utah


    Brazilian Society for Microscopy

    University of Massachusetts, Amherst

    2020 ………………..

    Innovative Genomics Institute

    HHMI Leading Edge


    2019 ………………..

    UC Santa Cruz

    UC Berkeley

    UC San Diego SOM

    University of Pennsylvania

    Harvard SPH

    Oregon State University


  • MCB 133L Cell Biology and Physiology Laboratory

    MCB 104 Genetics, Genomics, and Cell Biology

    MCB 201A CRISPR Gene Editing, Stem Cells, and Genomic Analysis

    MCB 239G Mitochondrial Biology

    MCB 292 Research

  • 2025 ORAU grant review - Pediatric Rare Disease Program

    2023 Graduate Admissions Committee, MCB Program

    2022- Rare Disease Diversity Coalition, Working group on Research and Clinical Trials

    2021, 2022 NIH Study Section Service – NIGMS K99 special emphasis panel

    2021 DOD grant review - CDMRP Program

    2021- UCB/UCSF Summer Student Research Program Mentor, 1 high school student/summer

    2021 First-year Graduate Advisor (ten students), UCB Ph.D. program in Molecular and Cell Biology

    2020-22 UCB College of Letters and Sciences Working Group on Academic Parenting

    2020- Steering committee, T32 ‘Molecular Basis of Cell Function’ NIH Training Grant 5T32GM007232-38

    2020- iMCB Steering Committee

    2020- Bioimaging North America, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion

    2020 ASCB Annual Meeting Minisymposium Co-chair, “Lipids and organelle trafficking”

    2020 Organizing committee, UCB Cell Biology Retreat

    2019 Organizing committee for the 17th Annual Advanced Imaging Workshop

    2015- Abstract and Poster Judge, American Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students

  • Dr. Lewis is an avid reader, and enjoys hiking, gardening, and spending time with her family.